so ive been busy or actually lazy - depends on point of view i guess. all of my free time has been consumed by Steven Kings " The Stand" - a classic ive been rereading.
i noticed ive been stuck in a rut at the gym - not because of boredom, but because i was too much in love with my program - having too much fun to notice that the gains were definitely slowing down. so i got a grip and came up with a new program starting 01.01.2012:
its a 2 day split done twice a week - the first round it is a pure strength program with 4 x 6-8 and the second time around it will be a volumeworkout.
so for day 1 on the 02 of jan i did:
warmup for deadlifting: ham and glute raises 3 x 25 + hip thrusts with a 25 kg plate 3 x 15 with a 1/5/1 tempo
SLDL: a warmup set with 60kg 15 reps and the 5 x 6 with 70/80/85 kg
goblet squats: 25 kg kettlebell 5 x 8
back extentions 4 x 8 with a 25 kg plate
db benchpress: 4 x 8/6 18,5 kg dbs
incline benchpress: same set and weights
dips: 3 x max
narrow bench: 4 x 8/6 40kg
french press: 3 x 8 30 kg
cable pushdowns: 3 x 8
ab wheels 3 x max and 3 x max planks
day 2 on the 03.01 was the following:
pullups: 3 x max with 5 kg added
bb rows: 4 x 8/6 70kg
single hand rows: 4 x 8 28,5 kg dbs
pullovers: 3 x 8 23,5 kg
military press: 3 x 8 30 kg
delt rows: same sets and weight
single arm OHP: 4 x 8/6 13,5kg db
lateral raises: 4 x 8 13,5 dbs
bentover raises: same sets and weight
EZbar curls: 4 x 8/6 28,5 kg
alternating supinated db curls: 3 x 8 11 kg dbs
hanging kneeraises and weighted crunches for abs
the plan is to do the same workouts for volume the same week doing 4 x 15. and i think ill fit in a kettlebellday in the week somewhere. sounds like a plan.
Tomorrow i should get my new fivefinger speeds in the mail - ive been waiting for those for quite some time. cant wait to try them out. enough for now - gotta hit the gym :)
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